Monthly Archives: November 2020
Be prepared for nuances in words, history
Published November 29, 2020
As studious readers of this column know, my first career was as a newspaper copy editor. Truth be known, I’d been a reporter on my college newspaper and a reporting intern for the summer of between my sophomore and junior years of college. But when I interned on the copy desk between my junior and …
Learn about War of 1812 from quick sheet
Published November 22, 2020
For a decade, Genealogical Publishing Company has printed laminated, four-page primers in a series called “Genealogy at a glance,” many written by leading researchers about topics for which their expertise is well known. Truthfully, some of these “quick sheets”—topics of which range from all sorts of ethnic genealogy to repositories to particular records groups—are better …
Recording foreign place names involves quirks
Published November 15, 2020
Last week’s “Roots & Branches” column covered some best practices for recording the place names of ancestral events. The nut of it all is that it’s often wise to record place names as they were when the event being recorded occurred, with a parenthetical addendum showing the present-day identification of the place. It was noted …
Recording place names: What’s a genealogist to do?
Published November 9, 2020
Names of individuals—especially surnames—are a genealogist’s “stock in trade.” Well, if they are the “inventory” of family history, then you might say that place names are the “packaging” of that stock we work with in doing our pedigrees (Likely in some future column I’ll get into how the times and eras of our ancestors are …
Nameless reference in newspaper still adds much
Published November 1, 2020
My frequent correspondent Eric “Rick” Bender always has great comments and ideas from his own research. But now he’s expanded his market by encouraging a friend to share a tale that could be titled “you never know what you’ll find in a newspaper.” The friend is Susan Brandt Graham of Albuquerque, N.M., and she shared …