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Monthly Archives: June 2023

When I finished chairing the 2021 International German Genealogy Partnership’s online conference—a wildly successful event that literally “brought back from the dead” an event originally scheduled as an in-person get-together before COVID-19 hit—I was left with a sense of “what’s next?” in my professional life. Little did I know that Kathryn Donahue, then Board secretary …

Genealogy is first and foremost a lot of names and dates. But if you start taking your immediate family history to the next level, right behind those names and dates are a lot of “stuff.” Stuff like family Bibles. Stuff like furniture. Stuff like heirloom antiques. Stuff like baptismal certificates. Stuff like ancestral clothing. Stuff …

I recently caught up with a fascinating book titled Covered With Night: A Story of Murder and Indigenous Justice in Early America, which was written a couple of years ago by Nicole Eustace, a history professor at New York University. The book won a Pulitzer Prize and profiles an episode in 1722 when a Native …

Event turns a PaGE for GSP

Published June 4, 2023

There are many opportunities for genealogists to get together either in person or virtually. There’s mammoth RootsTech in Salt Lake City, the National Genealogical Society’s rotating annual conference, regional get-togethers such as the one sponsored by the Ohio Genealogical Society, and host of other smaller occasions. But there have been precious few statewide Pennsylvania get-togethers …