Published August 1, 2021
| 11 Comments | Leave A ReplyI hope your “Roots & Branches” columnist is going to be forgiven if he indulges in a little humblebrag.
And, yes, it’ll probably be a lot more brag than it is humble.
The just completed all-virtual International German Genealogy Partnership wasn’t perfect, but it was darn close.
And, yes, your “Roots & Branches” columnist had the honor of co-chairing it.
The Partnership, still a relatively young organization that is a collection of groups from around the world that focus on aspects of German genealogy, had previously sponsored well-received in-person conferences in Minneapolis, MN, and Sacramento, CA, the former in 2017 and the latter in 2019.
A third such get-together was scheduled for Cincinnati, OH, for this year but ran into the buzzsaw of the COVID-19 pandemic and was cancelled.
But rising from the ashes of that cancellation, the Partnership agreed to sponsor a virtual event with the same theme (“Researching Together Worldwide / Weltweit Gemeinsam Forschen”) developed by the original local sponsor, the Hamilton County Genealogical Society, and using the responses from its call for papers as the nucleus of its program.
What resulted was an eight-day conference that lasted from July 17 to 24 and included many activities that turned it into the first genealogy conference to successfully mimick all aspects of an in-person event.
That’s because there weren’t just prerecorded presentations … there were also live question-and-answer sessions with presenters.
There wasn’t just a virtual exhibit hall sitting there unvisited … contests were created to spur interaction with sponsors and exhibitors, who reported seeing many more eyeballs than previous virtual genealogy conferences.
And there wasn’t just “downtime” in which attendees dropped off from the virtual event platform … there were Connections sessions (basically Zoom breakouts centered on various affinities relating to German geography, culture and affinity) and no less than three virtual happy hours in which registrants had the opportunity to randomly network.
More than 800 people attended the conference, on par with the previous in-person gatherings, but freed from the costs of travel, many more Germans participated, including some who staffed a translation room that was extremely popular.
The conference’s Gold sponsors, MyHeritage and FamilySearch, each sponsored special activities. In the case of FamilySearch, they brought in experts from their Family History Library to do free online consultations for the registrants, and many attendees took advantage of that offering.
Frequent “Roots & Branches” correspondent Eric “Rick” Bender from New Mexico was one of the well-satisfied attendees. “Virtual vs. in-person? For me, it’s mostly the difference in cost—I didn’t need to fly, book a hotel room or rent a car,” he wrote after the conference. “Which is especially meaningful to me since I have reached the point in my quest where I already know most of what is being taught; so, I’m not looking for the how-tos of genealogy, I’m looking into a few specific things—I have some nagging questions whose answers remain well-hidden.”
4 years ago
The conference was absolutely wonderful. It was by far the best conference I have attended, thanks to the efforts of the planning committee. The Whova platform that was used was amazing and I was so surprised at the connections to other attendees, the help people were posting, etc. I hope the next conference is virtual or maybe a hybrid for those wanting to attend in person.
The highlight for me was the FamilySearch consultation. I scheduled one and then waited until later in the week and scheduled another. It was absolutely wonderful. I received help with the 1819 Mecklenburg-Schwerin census record of my 3rd great grandfather and his mother. In addition, the volunteer helped me see if church records were available on FamilySearch.
All I can say is wow and thank you to the team that made the event such a success.
James Beidler
4 years ago
Thanks for your kind words, Donna, especially about the Online Consultations from the Family History Library folks! They came to us with that idea and we’re so glad they did! … I will definitely be recommending that the Partnership consider a hybrid conference next time around … so many more people were able to be a part of it. Our technology partner Playback Now found Whova for us and learned it from the ground up along with us. I was on pins and needles as people began to log on – not knowing what the learning curve would be for the average attendee – but soon realized that almost everyone got comfortable with it quickly! It was great to see everything fall into place after a year of planning!
Christine Gray
4 years ago
When I signed up for the conference way back in February, I knew I would have to work and miss some of it. In anticipation of that, I bought the full package including the USB drive. That was very smart on my part as I had to work every day of the conference but the last day, putting in 12-hour days – the joys of the pandemic. I did do the Online FamilySearch Consultation on the last day it was available and did the consultation parked in my car. It was very helpful and she suggested another consultant who may be able to help me further after the conference.
I so enjoyed the last day with Diana Southard and Judy Russell especially. So while I did miss all the extra goodies the “as it was happening” conference offered, I will have the USB drive as well as the OnDemand Access to watch.
Thank you, Jim, for sharing this opportunity with me.
Christine Gray
James Beidler
4 years ago
You’re welcome, Christine! We felt it was a conference with something for everyone! While you’re waiting for the USB (they’re hoping to mail them out mid-August), the Whova platform is still open to look at some of the Meet-ups people posted and get in touch with other attendees if they posted contact info … there’s a zillion ways we can improve but, yeah, we’re pretty proud of how it worked out for a first-time virtual effort …
Ellen Healy
4 years ago
Jim, thank you and all those behind the scene for this virtual conference. To me, it was amazing! I had such a great time interacting with so many others in the zoom rooms, connection sessions, and virtual happy hours. And the Family Search consultation/ Annette Adams was so very kind and helpful. She is wonderful. But I have to say my favorite contacts were the folks at the Ahmenforscherstammtisch Unna booth. George, Inga, Nicole, Jurgen, Nancy and others worked on my brick wall for three days- and broke it down!! They found the correct records for my great grandfather, and it was so emotional for me. They were so kind and so nice. As you can tell, I had a blast!! Many thanks!
James Beidler
4 years ago
Thanks for checking in with this, Ellen! So the glad the Unna folks were able to help!
Sandra Hildreth Ball
4 years ago
It was SO amazing! I was so grateful it was virtual (sorry for the folks that wanted to go in person) because I can’t afford to travel to conferences. I absolutely loved it. I also had to miss a lot and am in the process of watching the presentations now. Thank you to you and to ALL for the hard work putting this together. It was amazing (did I say that already??)
Judy Whichard
4 years ago
What a wonderful conference! The Whova platform worked very well for me; I especially liked the ability to message other attendees within the platform. I was also able to “attend” many more sessions than I would have been able to at an in-person conference, and didn’t have to miss out on any presentations that I really wanted to watch due to conference schedule conflicts. I hope future in-person conferences also record all presentations and make them available to attendees.
I also made several connections that have proved fruitful after the conference – Tim Kracke of OGF put me in touch with two other OGF members (one of them turned out to be a distant cousin), who have sent me photos of family homes as well as information that has added several generations to two of my family lines. The kindness and generosity of our fellow German researchers is over whelming.
Thank you, Jim, for all the work you put into the conference!
James Beidler
4 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it, Judy! I’m thrilled you were able to take advantage of some of the advantages that virtual conferences offer! I was fortunate to have a team of go-getters as well as stellar support from Playback Now as the technology partner.
Hedy Davis
4 years ago
Are any of the presentations available online? How can I have advance knowledge of German centered genealogy conferences in the future?
Thanks so much!
James Beidler
4 years ago
You must be a new reader! I was worried that I had mentioned the conference TOO MANY times in “Roots & Bramches.” You can buy a package online at this URL: