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Published September 11, 2023

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When I met Simon Davies earlier this year at the RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City, he was doing what’s quickly becoming a time-honored tradition of “making the rounds” in the Salt Palace expo hall to spread the word about a new product or service ready to hit the market in the genealogical community.

Now let me first say that in the almost quarter of a century that I’ve been a part of expo halls at genealogy events, it’s fair to say “I’ve seen ‘em, and I’ve seen ‘em go.”

Frankly put, (and apologies for a horrible mixed foods metaphor) there are many, many “greatest things since sliced bread” that have turned out to be far “more sizzle than steak.”

Davies was in from London, England, and was pitching the website for his product “We Are” ( with a URL extension I’d never seen before. His sincerity and passion for his product showed through but it took a while before we caught up with each other for him to more completely demonstrate his product.

Simply put, We Are is a family archive builder. It’s a place, first of all, to put the individuals from your family tree, connecting them to the others, and store the facts about them.

That’s basic and achievable on loads of genealogy websites, of course, but it’s where We Are takes you from there that is more interesting.

Through features on the website, you can add documents, photos, artifacts, and other types of media; blog about them; and write full biographies about the individuals in your tree.

Davies’s passion revolves around wanting to all these items to survive from this generation to the next, which often fails to happen. “The idea of We Are is to keep family history research in plain sight,” he said.

Especially when it comes to artifacts that are one of a kind—think of a piece of clothing or even a baptismal certificate—Davies notes that “only one person in the family can own that item, but through We Are it can be digitally shared with the entire family.”

And unlike the very large family trees on some websites, the users of We Are maintain control over their content (I guess I’d call this “no risk sharing!”). There are also appropriate privacy controls dealing with living people in the We Are trees.

So is We Are sizzle or steak? Even with that quarter of a century under my belt, I can’t give any guarantees (though I’m reminded of when I met Legacy Tree Genealogists owner Jessica Dalley Taylor some years ago … becoming her employee for a time just a few years later and remaining an affiliate of LTG).

Pricing plans for We Are start at only $4.99 a month and all levels come with a 30-day free trial of the We Are Family Archive.

All the details are at the website URL,


  1. Karla Staudt

    2 years ago  

    Hi Jim,

    I am so glad to see you promote what is fast becoming one of the most usable websites for developing an online family archive. I have loved watching mine develop, the ability to ask family/relatives/colleagues to view, comment, add to the archive, blogging. All tied up in one.

    When I was asked to be an early tester for We Are, I considered if I even wanted to invest my time on a new website. On my first run through what was going to be offered, the answer was a resounding yes!

    I have been focused on creating a legacy plan for all my accumulated family history research and possessions the past few years. I have taken on multiple subscriptions to photo storage sites, sites where I could semi-archive stories based on a minimal family tree, a blog site, and an attempt at a personal website. None of them measured up to what I really wanted. We Are is that fusion of all of the pieces I had been pursuing.

    We Are allows me not only the versatility of having every thing “under one roof” for uncomplicated access but lets me tie all of my research together in multiple levels. I can integrate my family tree with written articles featuring my family and its history utilizing photos, documents, locations, special occasions, and heirloom artefacts. Every day that I incorporate more of my personal archive into We Are, I am increasingly seeing opportunities to share family history in ways that will be accessible and enjoyed by family and descendants.

    One of my biggest Aha! moments, was seeing how I can also incorporate living history moments alongside those of bygone times. I am able to hand down the stories and images of my family’s life at the same time, and in similar ways, that I wish my ancestors had been able to pass on their experiences. That alone, encourages me to write stories about the present in addition to those of the distant past.

    I encourage people to take a look, give it a “test drive” for free for 30 days (no credit card required). I think you will be as excited as I am about what you can do with what you have in your personal database, archives, photos, etc.

  2. Martha Wright

    2 years ago  

    I have just started using WeAre and it is a dream come true for me! I am determined to get my family interested in my 40 years of work through the great visuals and flowing stories I create there. I believe I will but, if not, my great great descendants will thank me!

  3. Jane Chapman

    2 years ago  

    I have been using for several months now and agree with what Karla has said. I can confirm it is a fabulous platform for building an interactive family history archive. It has developed a bit since you met Simon at RootsTech 2023. It now has integrated blogging so that those who want to can link articles through to a blog post at one click.

  4. 2 years ago  

    Hi Jim,
    WeAre is definitely the whole meal for me! I was hooked on its super connectivity tools and began my explorations early this year. Now I am completely immersed in this next generation genealogy tool and happily sharing my family tree and ancestral stories there, all under one roof.
    As the Tree Keeper for my family, I am a strong advocate for WeAre as the perfect place to preserve my family history as my legacy plan.
    Cheers from Australia
    Coach Carole

  5. 2 years ago  

    Just want to thank you Jim for doing this piece… it was great to finally hook up after our initial skirmish at Rootstech! And thank you Karla, Martha, Jane and Carole – big hugs all round 🙂 !!